is a
(sup! 👋)
I build Web applications for a living and I thrive in environments that encourage collaboration and ego-free dynamics. I believe in accessibility and inclusivity as core values for us to work towards a better Web.
Currently Senior Front-end developer at RBC
Sometimes I like to write about my progress and experiences
- All work, no BS
- We're kind
- We value each other's time
- We're proud of what we do
- Ruined by Design
- Typescript
- Javascript (vanilla)
- Vue
- React
- Tailwind
- Jest
I started building websites for friends and family with Flash when I was 17 yo as a self-taught ActionScript2 developer. I kept flirting with Web technologies as a hobby over the years while exploring other career perspectives until I decided it was time to pursue doing what I love full time.
Apps & gear
- I use VSCode for most dev-related tasks. I've used Atom before, tried WebStorm, but I think VSCode is just way faster and easier to customize
- My preferred combo is Dracula theme + JetBrains Mono font
- iTerm2 with Oh My Zsh + powerlevel10k
- I'm a huge fan of aliases and this list is a good starting point
- I have no preferred browser (unpopular opinion alert) but I like Safari for convenience and Chrome for development
- I use a Macbook Pro 15 (2019) and my favourite MacOS productiviy tools are CopyClip Magnet ColorSlurp Amphetamine and Raycast
- I love the convenience of having a full USB-C hub display and I'm pretty satisfied with my Dell P2721Q since late 2020
Little known facts
- Brazilian Canadian, born in a tiny little town in the Atlantic forest, grandson of farmers, and proud of every single tiny victory I've accomplished.
- I was an Architect before working with Web Development full time. I carry a lot of analytical thinking and design strategy/planning from the great experiences I had back then. Just took me many years of education and work experience to realize I really liked computers after all.
This website is powered by Vue3 , Vite , Vite-SSG , Typescript , and Tailwind , built with a fork I made of the amazing Vitesse Template by @Anthony Fu .